Monday, February 23, 2009

The Initial Post

How did I end up here? Well, you see, it's sort of simple. As I was a pile of flesh and bones on the couch that is not mine, I wanted something to politely poke at my brain to help me feel better (there is science behind that). The only thing that was on my mind at the time were my thoughts, and how I feel about those thoughts, and how I want to have discussions with people about these things. I scavenged Google for something suitable, and I found this site. Thus, I ended up here. Nice to meet you.

Now, you may possibly want to know just what it was that I was thinking. Let me tell you, and if you don't want to know, now would be the time to stop reading.
I'm looking for something more in life than what I have.
Allow me to say, I'm well aware that's a bold statement to make, and some may think it to be a bit selfish. To address the boldness: I'm very confident. I usually know what I want, and when I do, I do what I can to fulfill that. I would imagine that's where the thought of selfishness comes in.
Here, I will address that: If you've read The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand, you need not read this section. If you have not read the aforementioned book, read carefully. I do not go beyond moral reason and values to obtain what I want. I do not sacrifice others' needs/wants/morals/values for what I want; however, I do not sacrifice my self/needs/wants/morals/values for what others want, or what I want because that would be non-productive. You follow? Feel free to ask questions and voice comments should they arise. I welcome all.

Getting back to my thought: I'm looking for something more in life than what I have. I appreciate to the best of my capabilities all of the things I have. I'm all for taking the crap of a situation and turning it into something I can actually use, like an educational experience, even if it's "well, I know not to do that again." I will have a hard time being specific here, because I'm not entirely sure of exactly what I want, but I'll start with a list:
>I want my time with Mr. Dead to last for as long as... ever.
>I want to have a job.
>I want to get my car fixed (having a job will help that..).
>I want to help others.
>I want to help myself.
That's just a start. Also, I am doing my best with these things already. In other words, they're not idle ideas. I'm in the process of doing what I can with what I have to fulfill my desires. It's just not going as smoothly/quickly as I'd like, but that's life, right? It takes time, and if time were linear, life would probably be easier, and we wouldn't learn a damn thing (time is not linear; look it up).

I have dirt under my nails. I'll handle that later.
My name is Elicia.
I like potatoes.


  1. First I will say you make me laugh. I also love potatoes.

    Hmm I think I will re-inerate what i stated yesterday. I wish I could do something to help. I suppose you and I are stuck in the position of worring about ourselves for the current moment.

    It sucks when you don't have the means to be selfless. You usually come off very self-less to me. I would never call you selfish.

  2. Hey, thanks for reading, and commenting. I always enjoy hearing another's opinion. =)

  3. Hey! forgot to say. I know you have a baby blog. just email me if you need any help. Jaky will surely help you, after all, we are friends now, isn't it? You can expect a good friend from me at least. bye :)
